Dan Y Wenallt Dan Glo

Under Milk Wood in Lock Down

Mehefin 2020

Perfformiad cymunedol o ddrama Dan Y Wenallt

Ar-lein trwy feddalwedd gynadledda fideo

Ffurfiwyd Dan Y Wenallt Dan Glo fel ymateb i'r cloi gorfodaeth yn ystod Gwanwyn 2020 wrth i'r pandemig Covid ddod i'r amlwg. Ar yr adeg hon roeddwn yn gweithio fel Swyddog Ymgysylltu Digidol gyda Chelfyddydau Span ar brosiect sy'n cysylltu technoleg ddigidol a'r celfyddydau fel modd i leddfu arwahanrwydd gwledig. Wrth symud i weithio o gartref ysbrydolodd ein cyfarfod tîm cyntaf ‘zoom’ at y syniad i geisio cynhyrchu drama gan ddefnyddio'r platfform hwn fel cyfrwng. Perfformiwyd dau gynhyrchiad ganol haf ar nosweithiau yn olynol gyda dau gast cymunedol un yn perfformio testun Saesneg Under Milk Wood ac un y cyfieithiad Cymraeg gan T James Jones, Dan Y Wenallt. Roedd y testun yn addas ar gyfer amgylchiadau ynysu a'r dryswch rhwng gofodau cyhoeddus a phreifat wrth i freuddwydion a realiti gael eu plethu o dan wyliadwriaeth garedig Capten Cat. Cynhyrchwyd mewn cydweithrediad â Chelfyddydau Span, Menter Iaith Sir Benfro a Cered: Menter Iaith Sir Ceredigion.

June 2020

Community performance of Dylan Thomas’ play for voices Under Milk Wood 

In real time via zoom video conferencing

Dan Y Wenallt Dan Glo was conceived in response to the enforced lock down that we found ourselves in during the Spring of 2020 as the Covid pandemic emerged.  At this time I was working as Digital Engagement Officer with Span Arts on a project connecting digital technology and the arts as a means to alleviate rural isolation.  Moving to home working and our first team meeting on zoom led to the idea to try and produce a play using this platform.  Two productions were performed at midsummer on consecutive nights with two community casts one performing the English text of Under Milk Wood and one the Welsh translation by T James Jones, Dan Y Wenallt.  The text lent itself to the circumstances of isolation and the confusion between public and private spaces as dreams and reality are interwoven under the benevolent surveillance of blind Captain Cat. Produced In collaboration with Span Arts, Menter Iaith Sir Benfro and Cered: Menter Iaith Sir Ceredigion.


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